2025魔法學院派對 Magic Academy Party -魔法餐桌限量預約,3月加開四場!!額滿為止!※無魔法市集※


Magic Academy Party – Limited Reservations for the Enchanted Dining Table!

The highly anticipated Magic Academy Party series from the Enchanted Dining Table is back by popular demand! Additional March sessions are now open for booking!For two days only, with each session limited to 60 seats, this magical feast invites you to transform into a magic student and step into the luminous halls of the legendary Magic Academy, filled with enchanting tales and forbidden secrets.Experience five exquisite, fantastical courses paired with a mysterious magical ceremony in this unforgettable annual magical celebration. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary event!

  1. 禁忌之森(The Forbidden Forest)東港櫻花蝦搭配魚子醬盛裝在自製魔法甜筒,被精靈咬一口的蘋果,彷彿踏入森林的秘境。
  2. 黑曜之心(Heart of Obsidian)竹崎竹炭製作的漢堡包裹台灣黑蜜豬與能量起司,宛若綻放金色水波躍動的黑曜石,注入充滿能量的魔法生命力。
  3. 巫師的黑湯鍋(Wizard’s Black Cauldron)台東未馴化野菜與安平虱目魚皮、屏東洋蔥結合的巫師黑魔法湯,層層湧現味覺驚喜。
  4. 魔法秘焰(Magical Secret Flame)義大利帕達諾起司點燃米香,搭配牛肝菌脆片,成就巫師祝福的終極魔法。
  5. 流光之境(Realm of Twilight)夢幻的粉紅氣泡飲結合蝶豆花,為這場魔法盛宴揭開絢爛序幕。

Mystical Magic Town – Enter the Enchanted Barrier for the Magic Academy Party! Unravel the Secrets of the Five-Course Magical Dining Table

According to a 400-year-old legend, a mystical magic town is hidden in Tainan, where a magical train travels through time and space each year, crossing the barrier to host the Magic Academy Party. This year, the acclaimed double-gold-award-winning team in Tainan has joined forces once again to create the “Magic Academy Party.” A collaboration between Ten Drum  Park and SOL-Tainan, a member of the “Top 10 Restaurants in Asia-Pacific,” this extraordinary event celebrates local Taiwanese ingredients with five innovative courses brimming with magical stories, delivering awe-inspiring surprises for your taste buds:

The Forbidden Forest

Sakura shrimp from Donggang paired with caviar, elegantly served in a handmade magical cone, alongside an apple touched by a sprite. This dish transports you to the mysterious depths of the forest.

Heart of Obsidian

A charcoal bun made from Zhushan bamboo charcoal encases Taiwanese black honey pork and energy-infused cheese, resembling an obsidian gem radiating golden ripples of vitality and magic.

Wizard’s Black Cauldron

A magical black soup crafted with untamed wild greens from Taitung, Anping milkfish skin, and Pingtung onions. Each sip unveils a cascade of delightful flavors.

Magical Secret Flame

Italian Grana Padano cheese ignites with crispy rice and porcini mushroom chips, creating the ultimate wizardly blessing through this dazzling culinary spell.

Realm of Twilight

A dreamy pink sparkling drink blended with butterfly pea flower tea sets a vibrant tone for this magical feast.


  • 03/15週六 
中午12:00 限量 60 席
晚上17:30 限量 60 席

  • 03/16週日 
中午12:00 限量 60 席
晚上17:30 限量 60 席


魔法學院派對-門票+餐點 優惠資訊
  • 網路全票 門票$489+餐點$1980:NT$2,469
  • 台南市民專屬票 門票$380+餐點$1980 :NT$2,360



  1. 票價資訊

    • 本活動採統一票價,大人與小孩均為一人一票,恕無法共餐。
    • 本場次無魔法市集。
    • 本活動屬專案限定票券,僅限「當日當場次」使用,逾期恕無法退費或更換。
    • 本活動由於需提前準備餐點,購票後恕不接受取消或退票申請。
  2. 活動規範

    • 為維護活動品質,活動空間內禁止攜帶寵物入場,敬請配合。
  3. 入場須知

    • 持票者可於活動當日白天提前入場,體驗園區內相關設施與活動。
    • 請於活動開始前10分鐘準時抵達魔法工廠2樓集合,避免影響流程。
  4. 用餐規定

    • 用餐儀式將依固定流程準時開場,為確保所有賓客的體驗,逾時恕無法候餐,敬請提前安排好行程,準時參加。